NaCTA Issues Ultimatum to Orange-SL Over Service Quality
By SLENA Fact-Check
1 November 2024
SLENA has confirmed that the Ministry of Information and Civic Education released a public notice from the National Communications Authority (NaCTA), titled “NaCTA Issues Seven-Day Ultimatum to Orange-SL Over Poor Service Quality.” This official notice has gained significant attention across various media outlets and has been shared by reputable journalists, including Thomas Dixon, on social media. The notice addresses concerns over the service quality provided by Orange-SL and sets a seven-day deadline for compliance with service standards.
SLENA-iVerify’s review of this widely circulated notice in reputable sources confirms the authenticity of the claim. This action by NaCTA emphasizes the government’s commitment to enforcing quality standards in telecommunications services for the public.
True – The notice issued by NaCTA regarding Orange-SL’s service quality is authentic.